Sunday, October 22, 2006


I finally got the hubby to move one of the computers up to my room so I will have easier access to it. It is hard hanging out in the basement with Peeps because the computers were on the back wall away from all the toys and anything interesting for her and she would bug me. Now we have one in our room so she can play next to me while I type. Such a relief. Today we have simple plans to go to the library and bookstore for a while and we are going to visit my dad for a while up in Hoodbridge. :-) LOL... Only the locals will know what that is funny...
While up in the hood I might make a quick stop to see my little niece JayJay and give my lil sis a hard time ...why.. just because it is sooo incredibly easy and fun for me. :-) LOL.. can you tell I am the oldest? Well, Poops is yawning and we have been up since 6:30am so I am going to give her a little leche and see if she wants to nap before our big day. Have a great day to ALL!

Oh yea... Poops is doing really well with her piano lessons.. she can play Old Macdonald without looking at the music so her daddy went out and bought her a new fancy keyboard and that is a photo of Peeps and Poops in the box that it came in.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Peep's BIG PARTY! How did I get cake on my face?

I will attempt to post more later... It just takes forever to load these!