Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Back to work

Today is my 8th day back at work and I honestly miss my little guy so much. I miss when he wakes up in the morning talking to himself and then when I go in the room and he gives me a great big smile. I miss rushing the girls off to school in the morning and saying “Have a good day!” I miss having decaf coffee with Poops and watching Peeps run into my arms when she gets off the bus. I miss having my day with my little man talking and smiling and just hanging out. I don’t know how working mothers do this..I’ve never left a baby so little as he is to go back to work and I have to admit it has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. Finding a daycare provider has been so difficult. His abuela was supposed to watch him but she says it is too exhausting. My father is watching him until I find a replacement sitter. Trusting a random stranger with the life of your child is incredibly hard. To my children whom I adore, I hope you know what a sacrifice I make to leave you each day. You will probably all think I am some silly nut one day to feel this way but I truly miss you and would rather be home with you all than anywhere else in the world.