Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thanksgiving was a blast this year!

We had a really great time! O and I hosted at our home this year for the first time ever. We invited my side and hubbys side which made for a nice mix (and first time ever mix I might add!). I was frantic about it the entire week..worrying about how I would keep the food warm and how would I have enough food but it all turned out nice. I have to say I enjoyed this Thanksgiving the most out of any other as I was able to really feel like I contributed to getting the family together.

After we ate Poops, Casey, and Dusty went down to the soccer field and kicked around the soccer ball a bit. Some of the adults accompanied them and Peeps ran around expending some energy.

Everyone brought a dish and the food was amazing! There was so much left over that most people took plate home and we stil have some leftovers hanging out in the fridge.

Peeps asked Aunt Deko where her daddy was when Uncle Bud went to the car...referring to her husband and my uncle, Uncle Bud. This was quite funny as Aunt Deko is her great, great aunt.

Here are some pics of our lovely day!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Then there was Halloween with care bears and witches!

We had a great time with the fall festival this year. Poops and cousin Alyssa had a blast and Peeps thoroughly enjoyed herself. She actually wasn't scared of each and every person in a costume! Notice how Peeps's barefoot! Poops and Alyssa had fun in the pie eating contest but they didn't win. lol

The pumpkin patch and fun times on a warm October day with cousins!

The girls loved everything about the pumpkin patch...especially the hay ride which they rode over and over!

Wow...I've been neglecting this site...let's update!

Peeps's birthday party was nice...she told me she only wanted for cousins Jay, Adrianna, and Jasmine to come...so it was a nice small party with immediate family and cousins of choice. Here are some pics from her 3 year old birthday!

Poops and Alyssa having fun at Peeps's party

Thursday, September 18, 2008

3 years ago...today....


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Here are some from our visit with Kristi to NC

Getting floaties on

Peep's first swim in a lake...hangin with big sis'

Okay..."I don't need HELP!" haha

KayKay, Peeps, and Poops swimming in the lake

The reason Kristi stayed sane through a week with 6+ kids...foot massages by Mason!

Lexi and Peeps swimming

Finally have some time to post some pics...here are some from our OC trip