Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The events of Poops's birthday party..almost forgot to post

First of all, I made a mistake! I admit it! I allowed Poops to have 13 girls her age sleep can only guess how that went. Everyone said, "Are you crazy?", "Are you sure about this?", "I don't think that is such a good idea.", and so on...but I didn't get what the big deal was..I mean what is the worst possible thing that could happen, right? LOL LOL LOL LOL...okay, first off, when all the girls arrived..I couldn't even hear myself think let alone talk. I was shouting the entire night just to get them to hear what I was saying. Scrappy doo totally freaked out and went crazy. Peeps was loving it and I thought perhaps, just perhaps, I made a slight error in judgement. As all the parents happily left their children with me to party all night and celebrate New Years while they went off to their own adult parties, they smiled, some smirked, some laughed. I totally wasn't expected for some real world MTV drama. Some of the girls started fighting about who was bffs and why weren't they included, ect ect...parents were called..parents showed up!...and then at New Years everyone was excited to watch the ball and they all calmed down and realized it was a birthday party, for Poops and not an outlet to express their differences. So, then we sang Happy Birthday and ate cake and ice cream (after midnight)..and I wondered why the girls wouldn't fall asleep until 4:30am. :-) I learned my lesson..poor Peeps won't get such a crazy, elaborate sleepover..ever! :- ) Take it from me...6 is a good should be the limit!

Bead up the nose?

It went well..but they didn't cover what to do if a child sticks a bead up their nose...which is exactly what happened to me the other day. I swear...she is so stubborn know after Poops's birthday party there were some beads left under the couch that I had missed..(my sister had played beauty parlor and did the girls hair). Well, Peeps found one and stuck it right up her nose! So she panicked and was freaking out..I was trying to get it out..(finally did) but then right after all the drama..she picks it right back up and aims for her nose again! WHAT in the world is wrong with this girl? I have to love her though..she is so adorable.

Events of the day..Peeps is sick..she coughed all night long (even with medicine to supress it) and at 5am she coughed so hard she started throwing up. YAY.. getting the mucus out. And, like a big girl she did it in the toilet! :-) No big clean up on my part. She got this icky cold from her papa who spent over 6 hours last night in the ER room because of this sinus, cold, fever thing. Hopefully it will not hit her as hard as it hit him ....she's one tough cookie. She cried for Poops this morning when she left to go to school...(A first).

Well, off to Target to get some cleaning supplies and laundry detergent.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Another day...First Aid Class

Tonight I have to go to my first aid class. It should be interesting because I have to leave Peeps with her daddy for about 5 hours while I am in class. Peeps loves her daddy but she just prefers to be with me. They will have plenty of bonding time..haha... I will keep you updated on how it goes. :-)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Recent news

Christmas passed and then so did my grandfather in law. He was a great man of strong work ethic and cared so much about his family..always smiling he was a protector and giver.

We travelled to Panama and attented his funeral. My husband was devestated and I thought he would not over come this great loss but he has been faring well to my surprise. I think it helped that we were able to attend the funeral and say goodbye. He gave away his only photo of him with his grandfather..the one he has carried in his wallet since before I met him...he left it in his hand in the casket.

Our trip turned out to be sad but not all focused on sadness as we were able to enjoy the beautiful beaches Panama has to offer. We stayed with my husband's aunt for a few days who has a home on the beach. The girls had a lot of fun but we didn't even bring swim suits so you will see us at the beach in our regular clothes! One cousin had a suit that fit Poops but the rest of us were not prepared for a beach visit.

I have to say that Panama is changing ...some parts are very rich looking and appears as though it is Miami..then there is the part I am used to seeing..the part where children beg for money and people dig in the trash cans for food. Panama has many sides but it is definetely changing and with the expansion of the canal it has the opportunity to be the richest country in Latin America.

Good Bye, rest in peace, Sr. Rogelio will be missed.