This weekend I had to go to a wedding in was really far for us and took about 6 hours. The problem really was that I had to be back home by 9pm to get to the DC Improv to see a comedy show starring Pablo Francisco. I asked hubby if he wanted to go and he mentioned the movie Deliverance and politely said no thank you.
So Poops, Peeps, cousin JayJay, and my dad all went on a 6 hour trip to Princeton, WV. The bride and groom were not so much traditional...they had the wedding outside at a park and thought it would be funny to have black icing on their cake as a gag to turn everyone's teeth black. Here's the result of that...

These two cuties had a great time for the 3 hours we stayed at the they are enjoying the lake view

I snuck in a shot of Poops looking beautiful...

And then we took one together ...I wanted to play with my settings on the camera and this pic turned out too cute

The ride home was beautiful

Love my state...even though we were in VA we still had hours left of driving...

We made it home in time to enjoy ourselves immensely at the DC Improv...Pablo Franciso was the feature but the 2nd guy was even funnier than Pablo! From left to right that's me and my hubby, my oldest sister in law, then my youngest sister and law and her boyfriend. There is a 2 drink minimum at the comedy club and we all met our limits! We all had such a great time..I hope to do it again in the near future.
Peeps had a little meltdown when I told her I was leaving her with her abuelos to go out and I had to promise her a trip to the pool Sunday morning...I think this girl knows how to work me...she always gets me to bargain!

When we got back to my in laws to pick up the girls Poops had played the mommy role and laid with the little ones until they fell asleep. See how Poops has her arm around JayJay so she doesn't fall off the bed? What a great daughter! In fact, I told her that I owed her a special will see how that turned out in my next posting.

I kept my word to Peeps! The trip to the pool was fun!

After the pool I took another little road trip to visit my dear friend Kristi who moved back to VA from Hawaii...then back in VA! YAY...although she's not really close by, she is a lot closer than her last two places of residence. This road trip was especially fun because I lived out that way for about 9 months when I was about 12 years old and I was able to show Poops where I used to live. It was about an hour drive to her house out in the country and on our way I had to break for the geese who decided to walk across the street..I mean really? Why do they walk? They do know they can fly right?

Being that Kristi has spent a lot of her time in Hawaii...she was having spam and rice for dinner...Poops tried spam for the very first time..and she liked it! If you've never had spam before you should try it. It's like ham from a can. :-) Just slice it up and fry it in a pan!
Thanks, Kristi!